
Certified health coaches benefit from Stephanie’s unique vision and bold entrepreneurial spirit combined with decades worth of corporate world experience and her success in the health and wellness industry. By leveraging her expertise and proven systems, you can multiply your efforts, maximize your client’s success, and monetize the certification you’ve worked so hard to earn.

Stephanie is dedicated to transforming the health and wellness industry . . .one successful coach at a time.

"Some of us learn from the mistakes of others and some of us ARE the others.” Confident, caring, and creative, Stephanie honestly shares her own mistakes and missteps in establishing her health coaching practice, so she invites you to learn from her trials as well as her triumphs. She has “been there, done that” and now leads a wildly successful and extremely fulfilling Atlanta-based practice. Likening herself to an air traffic controller, where you are the pilot relying on her support however in this case, you have found an air traffic controller who is also a pilot! 

Meet the Coach in Coach2coach

As a two-time cancer survivor, Stephanie’s journey to a career in health and wellness has been a personal one. After being diagnosed with cancer for the second time more than two decades ago, she started looking at the gaps in her own health and wellness with a goal of living long and strong. Having been a busy executive, speaker, and writer with a history of helping others make their own career gains, she pivoted to help others achieve good health. What began as a hobby – taking friends on “food tours” to the grocery store to explore clean eating – quickly became a personal passion.

She became a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute in 2014, launched her full-time practice – The Whole Food Health Coach – 3 months later, then became a Master-Certified Health Coach and went on to receive National Board Certification as a Health and Wellness Coach in 2017. 

She pivoted once again in 2016 to answer the growing list of coaches seeking her advice and assistance. To help coaches start, grow, or improve their practices, she launched The Coach2coach while continuing to run a successful health coaching practice of her own.  She welcomes the opportunity to invest in coaches around the world, and widely opens the door to this partnership.  It all starts with a $100 60-minute Coach2coach Assessment.  Be ready to answer these 3 questions: 
Where have you been? Where are you now? Where do you want to go?

Believing that work-life balance is the key to success, her family is at the heart of everything she does. She, and her husband Jack, married as high-school sweethearts. They have two sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law and three precious grandchildren. As her own boss, she blocks time for self-care and family to prioritize her core values.  Otherwise, her schedule fills individual client sessions in all 3 phases of her program, mentoring fellow coaches, teaching healthy cooking as a “guest chef” at Whole Foods Market, speaking at a conference, facilitating a corporate wellness training event, or writing a book.  She is making her work as The Coach2coach a priority to prepare coaches to meet the needs for well-care in our society.  There is plenty of work.  

“If you are good at what you do, you will not need to go looking for clients, they will come looking for you.”

“We need more health coaches, but what we really need are more effective health coaches who can build successful coaching practices.”

6 little known facts about this fearless powerhouse who believes in living life to its fullest:

Holds a CDL license and drove school bus during the years she homeschooled her son

A former horse owner, skilled rider, and self-proclaimed “cowgirl,” she once took part in a cattle drive in Colorado

Rode her own Harley-Davidson Softail Classic for years, once drive from Atlanta to Milwaukee for Harley’s 95th birthday

Though a healthy food guru at heart, she has her annual “flat pancakes” and chocolate dip cone in tribute to her beloved mother

Married her high school sweetheart, Jack, as teens in 1974 and their love is still so strong that they speak for events, and even coach married couples in their spacious home

Wrote Mentoring Women for Dr. John C. Maxwell and personally mentors 10 women a year in leadership and personal development

Our Core Values

Creative & Authentic

Positive & Relevant

Organized & Strategic

Passionate & Productive

Inspirational & Result-oriented

Honest & Open